Boards & Committees

The City of Park Falls maintains several supportive boards and committees that meet on a regular basis. For more information on any of the committees listed please contact us at 715-762-2436. 

Mayor serves as ex-officio member of each Committee 

Board of Public Works
Meets - as needed
Tony Thier, Chairman
Mike Mader Vice Chairman
Terry Wilson
James Corbett

Finance - meets as needed
Dina Bukachek, Chairman
Dixie Weidman, Vice Chairman
Dan Greenwood
James Corbett

Public Services - meets as needed
Dan Greenwood, Chairman
Terry Wilson, Vice Chairman
Dennis Wartgow
Michael Mader

Personnel-meets as needed
Dennis Wartgow, Chairman
Dina Bukacheck, Vice Chairman
Tony Thier
Dixie Weidman

Volunteer Fire Department
Meets every second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm
Larry Reas, Chief
Phil Bochler, Asst. Chief

Library Board
Meets every second Thursday of every month at 5:30pm
Karen Tesmer, County
Marcia Lalonde, School Superintendent
Dina Bukachek, City of Park Falls
Michael Homann, Kate Dirrigle-Leitl, Wendy Rebne, Seth Carlson, Susan Reinecke, Debra Hyde

Board of Review - meets as needed
Tara Tervort, Mayor
Shannon Greenwood, Clerk
Dixie Weidman, Alderperson
Terry Wilson, Alderperson
Tony Thier, Alderperson

Plan Commission-meets as needed
Tara Tervort, Mayor
Dixie Weidman, Mayor appointment
Michael Mader, Mayor appointment
Lauri Hart, (3 years) term expires 2026
Michelle Scharp, (3 years) term expires 2027
Garry Wollerman, (3 years) term expires 2027
Victor Ambrose, (3 years) term expires 2025

Zoning Board of Appeals-meets as needed
Dennis Wartgow, Mayor appointment
Terry Wilson, Mayor appointment
Victor Ambrose, term expires 2025
Michele Rhode, term expires 2026
Mike Weidman, term expires 2026

Parks, Recreation & Historical Landmarks Advisory Committee
Tara Tervort, Mayor 
Benjamin Fox, term expires 2026
Juliet Corbett, term expires 2025
Cala Neu, term, expires 2027
Dixie Weidman, Mayor appointment
Dina Bukachek, Mayor appointment
Terry Wilson, Mayor appointment

Room Tax Commission
Dan Greenwood, Mayor appointment

Weed Commissioner 
Bill Hoffman, Mayor appointment

City Forester
Bill Hoffman, Mayor appointment

Airport Advisory-meets as needed

Housing Authority-meets as needed

Revitalization-meets as needed